This blog is my collection of healthy recipes and other health and nutrition related information from all over the web. This is just my way of sharing all the healing goodness with my family and friends.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Weekend Links

  1. The power of a book: A hilarious iphone parody commercial by Ikea
  2. Easy DIY hair styles: I never try any new hair styles partially because I am lazy but also because I do not know 'how to' change or do my hair which doesn't take the whole morning. This article offers few pretty easy to try styles which even I am tempted to try out.
  3. No one could see the color blue until modern times: You must have heard about the whole hoopla surrounding the color of the dress. This article and the episode of radiolab mentioned in here gives a cool insight on how humans see color.
  4. Vitamin Myths: In the newly released book Vitamania: Our obsessive quest for nutritional perfection, the author helps dispel some of the most common myths surrounding modern nutritional guidelines. I plan to the read the book in the near future - but the interview here & here kind of gives you a gist of things. Read more here and here
  5. Harvard does a case study on this world famous Fashion Blogger: Anyone who is even remotely connected with fashion is aware of blogger The Blonde Salad and her meteoric rise in the fashion industry - she has become such a big brand that Harvard did a case study on her tracing back the steps on how she built a $8 million per year empire. 

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